Why do I think this will be all Jim Johnson’s fault, if you drill down far enough? Everything’s Jim Johnsons’s fault twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
Why do I think this will be all Jim Johnson’s fault, if you drill down far enough? Everything’s Jim Johnsons’s fault twitter.com/conncarroll/st…
If you were running our ISIS policy you’d need “pleasure of an ___ nature” too freebeacon.com/national-secur…
.@jpodhoretz Still waiting for Fiorina to sit atop GOP polls as you promised! Maybe GOP voters not so flighty realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/pr…
Coming around to Dan Gross POV … twitter.com/grossdm/status…
Nothing says “We’re not going to take too many chances here” like a partnership with Arizona State University. Sorry! slate.com/blogs/future_t…
Doubles? twitter.com/FAIRImmigratio…
Note to @JeffreyToobin: @beckytallent, who should know, sez votes not there in House for (monstrous) Gang of 8 bill mobile.twitter.com/beckytallent/s…
Fla. Rep. Dennis Ross pledging amnesty if he’s elected Whip? realclearpolitics.com/articles/2015/…
Something happened around 1924 .. can’t quite remember what but seems relevant to this claim publicrevizit.tableausoftware.com/static/images/… twitter.com/jacobwe/status…
Kevin McCarthy isn’t even the most important Kevin McCarthy imdb.com/name/nm0002994/
Lies, Carly Fiorina and Abortion nyti.ms/1Vjm4VA via @DouthatNYT
Um, nobody’s writing Trump off except MSM pundits twitter.com/marcthiessen/s…
MSM CW goes from “Trump’s peaked” to “Don’t Write Off Trump Yet” w/o intervening step of DT actually losing his lead wpo.st/A77d0
Why do I feel like the MSM has skipped a step?//”Too soon to write off Trump” wpo.st/A77d0
Is immigration to US (legal and illegal) “out of control”? usat.ly/1FuEkUJ Issue here just as in EU. Let’s vote/not have elite decide
Argues McConnell urged amnesty backers to make Rubio designated con man to sell Gangof8 bill to conservatives
TODAY’S HOMERIC EPITHET: “Donor class darling Marco Rubio” breitbart.com/big-government… Suitable for use by short-fingered vulgarians everywhere
I note this celebrated @FrankLuntz walkback does *not* say Trump was booed, #wouldyoubelievethecrowdgotcolder? twitter.com/GikeMulley/sta…
Thanks twitter.com/Olivianuzzi/st…
OK. I didn’t think they were booing Ceausescu either. twitter.com/daveweigel/sta…
They didn’t sound like boos to me either (or if boos then friendly rag-on-him boos). But I wasn’t there… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
True … twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…
They’re spreading detailed instructions on how to #BoycottFoxNews twitter.com/williamcreedco…
Humdrum little Hill story on Trump vowing to close the border has 72,000 Facebook shares. #intensity thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…
“returning to an issue that accompanied his initial jump to the top of polls.” And what issue would that be …? thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…