The sugar program’s a nice clean test of Ryan’s free market bona fides. Anyone wanna bet it’s still there in 2 yrs? washex.am/1KJq1Ht
The sugar program’s a nice clean test of Ryan’s free market bona fides. Anyone wanna bet it’s still there in 2 yrs? washex.am/1KJq1Ht
@kausmickey If you think any of the 100 senators or 435 representatives believe in 100% free markets, I have a bridge to sell you.
@kausmickey @TPCarney This should be the governing document for whoever can actually lead. https://t.co/8r6gvrwwYy
@kausmickey Sugar program about the only ag program that has almost no voters involved, just wealthy interests.It’s killable, with the will.
@kausmickey $10 says Yes.