There’s basically an hour left to call Freedom Caucus members to urge no vote “Amnesty” Ryan. Here’s a list, w/ #s yumpu.com/en/document/vi…
There’s basically an hour left to call Freedom Caucus members to urge no vote “Amnesty” Ryan. Here’s a list, w/ #s yumpu.com/en/document/vi…
Thanks, @kausmickey, I’ll make sure they know that plenty of us support #ImmigrationReform and should vote Ryan inr. https://t.co/syDZoWdDrT
@kausmickey Lets not forget Ry
@kausmickey Ryan couldn’t help Mitt as a VP.
@kausmickey After a Burger King breakfast in OH, a call to Cong Jordan was placed. Got right through at 7:30am EST. No Ryan. No amnesty.
somehow,i think everything has been planned and fixed from the start @kausmickey @washingtondctea
Mickey Kaus:”There’s basically an hour left to call Freedom Cau…”https://t.co/P1tx0fj5im
@kausmickey @genophilia The fix is in. The @GOP cares not one whit about their voters.
@kausmickey always good to see the xenophobes fail.Trump will be a non entity shortly.Ryan elevated. HFC relegated to back bench.Enough said
Delete your twisted ambition @kausmickey.
@olretiree @kausmickey @WashingtonDCTea ‘Majority rules’ go back to founding of the Republic.
true,sadly,we are being ruled by a minority and with little or no resistance @touricroro @kausmickey @washingtondctea
@olretiree @kausmickey @WashingtonDCTea I think Ryan has bought some time until 2017 but Freedom Caucus is not going away – safe districts.
@kausmickey Well it was a good try Mickey. Thx for fighting the good fight on this one. It’s just a battle, not the war. #LetsGoTrump
Does the Freedom Caucus consider itself affiliated with ISIL or with al Qaida? Which is its allegiance?