Purely as drama, the whole Bush clan story’s just not interesting enough 2 have been worth attention it’s gotten nyti.ms/1GSkbZm
Purely as drama, the whole Bush clan story’s just not interesting enough 2 have been worth attention it’s gotten nyti.ms/1GSkbZm
@kausmickey Shirley, there must B some parody value. Jeb saying”illegal aliens are more Fur-Tull than Americans”.GWB reading 50 books/month
@kausmickey among the most boring people on earth. And not particularly nice, either.
@kausmickey Two below average presidents and we are expected to elect a third?
@kausmickey It is interesting only as revision of history.
@kausmickey jeb stays because his job is not to win the nomination, but to take out trump using campaign cash for negative ads.
@kausmickey Unleash Chiang (but dont tell my sons what the means(