Are exclusive interviews with Obama still a big draw? (I don’t know the answer. Would think the market is glutted.) twitter.com/LesterHoltNBC/…
Are exclusive interviews with Obama still a big draw? (I don’t know the answer. Would think the market is glutted.) twitter.com/LesterHoltNBC/…
@kausmickey O’Reilly still replays his intrvw w/ BHO from time to time – as though O’Reilly had struck pay-dirt in some way
@kausmickey Only if he’s announcing his RESIGNATION.
@kausmickey And what exactly makes it exclusive? That there aren’t others there interviewing him at the exact same time?
@kausmickey Via the @washingtonpost Jeb Bush: RNC should restore Telemundo debate. https://t.co/XDDNPlmzxL (Why I am I not surprised.)
@kausmickey @LesterHoltNBC @NBCNightlyNews lots of tough questions will be asked abt his foreign policy disasters (NOT)! MSM Superpac Unite!
@kausmickey @LesterHoltNBC @NBCNightlyNews Ask him where our $20 trillion went
@kausmickey Exclusive! How many exclusives have to air before an interview is no longer an exclusive?
@kausmickey @LesterHoltNBC @NBCNightlyNews Jumped the shark w TNR relaunch puffer by the new owner, coupla yrs ago
@kausmickey That will put one to sleep.