RUBIO HAS A SUPER-PAC:THE MSM: Would you use “SKYROCKET” to describe a 2-month rise from 4% to 13% (3d place)? thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…
RUBIO HAS A SUPER-PAC:THE MSM: Would you use “SKYROCKET” to describe a 2-month rise from 4% to 13% (3d place)? thehill.com/blogs/ballot-b…
RT @kausmickey: RUBIO HAS A SUPER-PAC:THE MSM: Would you use “SKYROCKET” to describe a 2-month rise from 4% to 13% (3d place)? https://t.co…
@kausmickey Media, including Fox, will pull out all the stops for Rubio now that GOPe fave (Jeb!) is dead meat.
@kausmickey sadly he will inherit Jeb and perhaps Carly supporters when they call it quits, so maybe his numbers are bigger. #loser #fraud
@kausmickey He’s rising.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter out of the blue vs slow rise-yes!
Trump surely did. Or did he start out as #1? @kausmickey @AnnCoulter
@kausmickey I saw Sen Gardner explaining his Rubio endorsement. Incoherent. Half-trying anchor made him look like idiot.
@kausmickey In a field of 16, a nine point swing in NH is definitely a big deal.
@kausmickey Rubio not 4 same-sex marriage here:
>Is he for it now because of Super Pac here:
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter I think Trump is the only one running that can deal with the assholes of the world. And win
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter how many Democrats were in this poll ? Probably more than republicans and independents !
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter HE’S a bought man!