Here’s a thought: For some brave big time politicians to join up and attack the problem that Obama didn’t: Excessive hundreds of billions spent by Americans on medical care. Comparison to rest of world proves we’re borrowing trillions for Medicare/Medicaid spending that we should be. We are spending about $1 out of every $5 on healthcare. Nobody else in the world does this; we cannot afford it and it’s time to stop ourselves from continuing this madness.
@kausmickey @RichLowry Oh wow you don’t understand health insurance at all. Or Obamacare. Or the meaning of death spiral. I trust you.
@sftokarski @kausmickey @RichLowry Willing to bet all 3 of us understand more than you do.
@kausmickey obama doesnt need to worry about a legacy. He gonna have a ton of it! But, none of it good, starting w/ his signature obamacare!
@joefree76 @kausmickey question. if obamacare collapses next year, should GOP candidates support a govt bailout?
@johnmarzan @kausmickey Of course. You can’t leave folks in a lurch. But all anticipating transition to a health insurance system that works
Here’s a thought: For some brave big time politicians to join up and attack the problem that Obama didn’t: Excessive hundreds of billions spent by Americans on medical care. Comparison to rest of world proves we’re borrowing trillions for Medicare/Medicaid spending that we should be. We are spending about $1 out of every $5 on healthcare. Nobody else in the world does this; we cannot afford it and it’s time to stop ourselves from continuing this madness.