Ethnicity matter in politics only when we *say* it matters (e.g. undermining Russian policy, Latino voting). Got it? twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Ethnicity matter in politics only when we *say* it matters (e.g. undermining Russian policy, Latino voting). Got it? twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
@kausmickey State Dept golobois going OT…
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter Well Russia doesn’t assimilate very well. Since we ignore you, we do. It’s an important difference.
@kausmickey the problm isn’t Russia’s Muslim population per se. it’s Russia’s brutally thwarting nationalist aspiration of Chechnyan Muslims
@robertwrighter @kausmickey Big fan of your work @robertwrighter, but your reply imagines the world as you want it to be, not as it is
I have admired and enjoyed your work for many years. You fundamentally changed my mind on immigration. I hope that you will return to bloggingheads on a regular basi. Being fully aware of the risks of cliche, it hasn’t been the same without you.
.@robertwrighter @kausmickey So if an American state wanted to secede, you’d be okay with that?
.@robertwrighter @kausmickey You see “brutally thwarting nationalist aspiration” Putin sees”keeping the country together-like Lincoln did.”
@Glaivester If Muslims in Russia want to separate from Russia, why don’t they just GTFO? @robertwrighter @kausmickey
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter Libs already know ethnicity matters: hence their open borders/stoke ethnic grievance get-out-the-vote policy.