Huge underacknowledged factor. MEDICARE=relax OBAMACARE=Gotta constantly be shopping & switching twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
Huge underacknowledged factor. MEDICARE=relax OBAMACARE=Gotta constantly be shopping & switching twitter.com/ByronYork/stat…
@kausmickey but that’s true of all markets. @ByronYork
@kausmickey Highlights idiocy of Ryan “Medicare voucher” idea. Older people even less inclined to like idea of shopping around every year.
@KSantal @kausmickey Medicare is a stable risk pool. Switching between Medicare Advantage plans is minimal
@kausmickey OC shop/switch function of changes in plan cost yr. to yr., no? Co’s lowball yr. 1 for share, raise in yr. 2?