.@nytimes seems 2 feel there’s contradiction between a) blocking Syrian refugees b) not approving AUMF vs ISIS. How? a.msn.com/01/en-us/BBndc…
.@nytimes seems 2 feel there’s contradiction between a) blocking Syrian refugees b) not approving AUMF vs ISIS. How? a.msn.com/01/en-us/BBndc…
@kausmickey who cares,@nytimes hasn’t even cleared initial hurdle as 2 Y “migrants” 5700 miles away should be brought here or R our problem
@PolicyLord @AnnCoulter @kausmickey @nytimes Obummer says the JV team under control… See NO reason not to let them stay there #POS #potus
@PolicyLord @kausmickey @nytimes Wasn’t it Obama who refused 2 arm Syrian resistance because NO credible intelligence to vet who they were?
@PolicyLord @kausmickey @nytimes How now Obama able to vet 10,000 mostly Muslim men from heart of Isis Syria with no credible intelligence?
@kausmickey @nytimes when I see a photo of Paul Ryan my stomach twists.
.@PolicyLord @kausmickey
@nytimes frets the Bill’s mild vetting and vouching will ‘undermine’ coalition-building. https://t.co/5lNXOXTaJ9
@i_aver @kausmickey News may get to @nytimes that #1 wedge issue now is immigration across western civ & proles are all saying #Nomigrants
@PolicyLord @kausmickey @nytimes Obama couldn’t verify war with Isis in Syria, so floods US with Syrian fighting age men not possible to vet
@i_aver @kausmickey @nytimes
New poem for USA:
“dear world varmints
we’re full go home
sorry bout your gov’mint
but we can send a drone”
@ardishansen @kausmickey @nytimes what’s 2 vet? no records. We can’t ask about loyalty, they’re trained to lie.Better 4 them 2 go to Saudis.
.@PolicyLord @kausmickey
If @nytimes et al, forced to concede #SyrianRefugees are bane >boon, then way’s clear to eval *all* immig. Groups.
@i_aver @kausmickey @nytimes we’re full go home is equal opportunity.