In law I think you’d call that a non-responsive answer, no? He’s trying to move “beyond databases”–ie shift topic twitter.com/DelpLyle/statu…
In law I think you’d call that a non-responsive answer, no? He’s trying to move “beyond databases”–ie shift topic twitter.com/DelpLyle/statu…
@kausmickey In law that is called bored with a chickenshit journalist who is trying to be too clever by half.
@kausmickey @DelpLyle Not sure any “system” into which we put Muslim citizens sounds good.
@kausmickey @DelpLyle Yes in legal profession we would say: “witness not answering the question” rather than making up our own answer!
@kausmickey You are wrong. He is walking it back like every other politician who steps in it. He is an idiot on these issues.
@kausmickey “Still, nowhere, even on Friday, did Mr. Trump, . . . clearly state that he was opposed to the idea of a registry of Muslims.”
@AJDelgado13 @kausmickey At best, Trump too thick and self absorbed to realize significance of question. But, I don’t think so.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter There is a database that monitors all Americans…lets monitor everyone.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter the roman motto is silence implies consent !
@AJDelgado13 @kausmickey And then you would say, “I’ll take that as a yes.”