The White House has deployed a “shareable graphic” on the Syrian refugee issue. Game over! #juiceboxgovernment politico.com/story/2015/11/…
The White House has deployed a “shareable graphic” on the Syrian refugee issue. Game over! #juiceboxgovernment politico.com/story/2015/11/…
@kausmickey @jamestaranto At least let in the orphans! https://t.co/9AsFkFaAmn
@kausmickey @whpresscorps How many do Obama and Biden plan to invite to settle in their retirement neighborhoods? I would say zero.
@kausmickey @jamestaranto @politico I thought the refugees hated the juice
@kausmickey #sickburn
@kausmickey wow,demo,ag,fbi,congress, seems everyone is turning against you.SCOTUS.