Pls. tell me your defense isn’t that not disagreeing with an idea is the same as ‘calling’ for it! Lede says “call.” twitter.com/maggieNYT/stat…
Pls. tell me your defense isn’t that not disagreeing with an idea is the same as ‘calling’ for it! Lede says “call.” twitter.com/maggieNYT/stat…
@kausmickey @tedfrank have you been off Twitter for awhile?
@kausmickey This is not an adoptive admission. Something likely unknown to this Democrat plant posing as a “journalist.” Shameful.
@kausmickey People are disgusted by how CNN edited Trump’s comments to deceive the public.
@kausmickey @maggieNYT @tedfrank Why are you bothering.
@kausmickey @maggieNYT @tedfrank Gosh, I wonder why so many people on the right HATE the media?
@kausmickey @maggieNYT It’s sounding like Hunter S. Thompson on LBJ spreading rumors on an opponent: “let’s make the sonofabitch deny it!”
@maggieNYT @kausmickey @tedfrank We think Trump says register Muslims. Big hubub. He does not deny, say he misunderstood etc. = he owns it
@kausmickey @maggieNYT journalism of The Times one of the significant and harmful disappointments of our generation’s “times”.
@kausmickey What we really need is a state-of-the-art biometric national ID to take the place of our cardboard Social Security cards!
@kausmickey Maybe @maggieNYT is better suited for Rolling Stone, where journalism and fiction are not mutually exclusive. #Trump2016
@dustinherrick1 @kausmickey @maggieNYT @tedfrank Sadly, here’s one more reason…https://t.co/nKXp4CsKAu Et tu, Breitbart?
@kausmickey STEPHANOPOULOS: Are you unequivocally now ruling out a database on all Muslims?
TRUMP: No, not at all.
@kausmickey u up?