35 .@nytimes “Get Trump” campaign hits paydirt: erroneous golf course plaques. No pol can survive that nyti.ms/1PMhN9w Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Trump takes a mulligan on plaque. Say goodbye to the Tiger Woods endorsement.
@kausmickey @nytimes u kidding me, right?
@kausmickey @nytimes so now you are attacking him because it wasn’t a battlefield. He is remembering both sides whats wrong with that.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes That is the craziest one yet boy are they desperate give it up guys america has chosen and its Mr. Trump
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes Trump performing huge service for media, exposing their dishonesty, venality, bias. Will make them better
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes CRIPS!! all is lost!
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes if that’s all you’ve got on Trump then he’ll probably be the next president.#desperate
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes Oh dear, an issue of epic proportions! Right.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes I’m glad they found imp. stuff like plaques and didn’t waste time on petty things like O’s school records
@kausmickey @continetti @nytimes This man. Oy. This man. Such a piece of work.
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @nytimes You can leave the author a love note at @npfantos
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter He almost had my vote…