In the fight against the Gang of 8 amnesty bill, Sessions was the work horse. Cruz was the show horse (if that). dailycaller.com/2013/09/21/cru…
In the fight against the Gang of 8 amnesty bill, Sessions was the work horse. Cruz was the show horse (if that). dailycaller.com/2013/09/21/cru…
RT @kausmickey: In the fight against the Gang of 8 amnesty bill, Sessions was the work horse. Cruz was the show horse (if that). https://t.…
@kausmickey Agree. But Cruz blew it up with the conservative media and made the phones ring.
@kausmickey and Rubio was the ___________?
@kausmickey – Don’t worry, Mickey. If Cruz has to lie about border security, he’ll do it!
@kausmickey For me, Cruz has definitely earned my conservative trust. He has put himself out on a popularity limb many times for us.
@kausmickey so S.2394 also showmanship/opportunism rather than change of heart on h1b? Destined 2 fail, so easy way 2 score points? Worrying