1st piece Charlie Peters made me do (1978) was abt how we’d been screwed on free trade deals. It was pretty Trumpy! twitter.com/MrWalterShapir…
1st piece Charlie Peters made me do (1978) was abt how we’d been screwed on free trade deals. It was pretty Trumpy! twitter.com/MrWalterShapir…
@kausmickey We need “Trumpadelic” as a term describing his orations….
@kausmickey It might be “Trumpy” if Trump cared about anything. Perot (whom I don’t recall you backing) was sincere in anti-trade stance.
@kausmickey You&Peters were both “true believer” neolibs, worshipping technocratic idealism most knew was cover for “new class” power grab
@kausmickey The corporate elite and financial sector has done very well on free trade. The US is essentially a 2 track economy now.