.@BuzzFeedBen piece on me seems to be provoking tidal wave of reaction from pornbots. Do Buzzfeed’s advertisers know about this?
.@BuzzFeedBen piece on me seems to be provoking tidal wave of reaction from pornbots. Do Buzzfeed’s advertisers know about this?
@kausmickey Ouch: Kaus lives the quasi-troglodyte existence of the net-head amid a surging sea of newspaper clippings and fast-food debris.
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen BOOM!
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen I got that too, just by commenting on a tweet of the piece.
@kausmickey @ConnorSouthard @BuzzFeedBen lol. The Aceladerpian equivalent of a thinkpiece on “whatever happened to that cat lady?”