That was an amazingly weak formulation from Jeb–doesn’t even say it should be difficult to come illegally! twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
That was an amazingly weak formulation from Jeb–doesn’t even say it should be difficult to come illegally! twitter.com/MarkSKrikorian…
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian my W Afr friends can’t get tourist visa & ineligible for temp ag. Our policies unfair for ancestry of 10% of us
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian the only way over is by cheating or already being rich. Unless they can swim the Atlantic or have wealthy patron
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian Paperwork is always harder than lying and evasion. But what must likewise differ are the consequences.
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian we don’t need anymore immigrants with 90 mil people not working.
@kausmickey I’m a Dem. I’m voting Trump cuz immigration. Here’s what MSM doesnt get. I’m FULLY AWARE of his shortcomings – I. Don’t. Care.
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey You’ve found him, Mickey! Way to go! The other democrat who feels about Trump the same as you do!
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey Which brings us nicely around to your shortcomings
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey ditto per me being a FORMER @GOP thanks to @DickCheney and Paulson bailout.
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey seconded. already switched parties in PA to vote for him in primary. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey … I’m repub and I agree … I. Don’t. Care!
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey You realize this is like cutting off your nose to get back at your face? You would cripple your country?
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey many agree, but are afraid to say so publicly–Wilder Effect
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey and happy to see Hillary win.
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey Makes sense except that no one really knows how Trump will handle it once elected.
@Non_PC_Guy @BNLieb @kausmickey His concern is our country and people
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey Ditto here.
@Non_PC_Guy @herewegokids7 @kausmickey My hispanic in laws all dems all switched to Republican to Vote for Trump In Primary
@Non_PC_Guy @TOVAOD @kausmickey Smart guy.We have2be able2do what’s best4the country when it comes 2picking leaders. Party shouldn’t matter.
@Non_PC_Guy @2timeslucky @kausmickey many more like you feel the same way. Thank you Lord. Country first!! Party?? Who gives two shakes??
@Non_PC_Guy @kausmickey yes, yes and yes.