6 I say 2 will do. twitter.com/davidfrum/stat… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @davidfrum tl;dr body, read summary. 1) Bush is done. 2) Rubio wants to inc H1B/H2B killing jobs 3) Trump or Cruz is way to go
@kausmickey why can’t they just unite around him Mickey?
@kausmickey @davidfrum sir your a knucklehead. Good luck on the left and let me know how that works out.
@kausmickey @davidfrum Frum thinks the issue is identitarian. Is valuing work identitarian? Snort. Also ignores Romneycare’s unpopularity.
@kausmickey @davidfrum Another amazing feat of the article is that it completely ignores Ron Paul.