So Huck & Santorum backers may conspire 2 take down Trump’s biggest rival in IA (Cruz)? Some guys have all the luck natl.re/qTGg8Y
So Huck & Santorum backers may conspire 2 take down Trump’s biggest rival in IA (Cruz)? Some guys have all the luck natl.re/qTGg8Y
@kausmickey I think the point is that Trump will not win and Cruz is even worse. (Talking about important issues, not immigration)
@kausmickey Both their backers? Fearsome.
@kausmickey musings on how I, political consultant, can make myself seem relevant. Their candidates are not dropping out.Nothing to see here
@kausmickey The person who stands to gain the most by all this infighting isn’t even mentioned in the article!
@kausmickey @YossiGestetner this is a big fat baloney story, this is just a media fantasy, I was in Iowa and nothing like this is going on
@kausmickey @dckolarik It’s time for the Republican field to get together, decide who is best suited to be POTUS and get behind him/her.
@kausmickey Cruz has all the right enemies. Reason I keep warming to him.
@kausmickey Huckabee and Santurum backers support open borders and H1B Indians taking our graduates jobs? Oh no!
@kausmickey Huckster maneuvering like he did against Romney in ’08 to give us McCain
All Christie has to do now is go to about 10 food processing towns with a bib on and point to the plant – that might be enough to eke out a win.
What is the end game? Is Huck the southern more overtly Christian “balance” to a Trump ticket. Santorum might be the hard core guy that a Rubio-___________ ticket needs.