Immigration also cause of unemployment + key factor in economy. So it’s implicated in 3 top issues-and it IS the 4th twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
Immigration also cause of unemployment + key factor in economy. So it’s implicated in 3 top issues-and it IS the 4th twitter.com/AnnCoulter/sta…
@kausmickey @instapundit @AnnCoulter u immigration fanatics all do this – conflation. Immigration low on our list of issues. Live with it
@kausmickey @instapundit It is time to repeal the 19 Immigration Act that started us down this road in the first place. #StartOver
@kausmickey @instapundit @AnnCoulter immigration is designed to obtain lowest wage possible. This is done by shopping for O*Net job titles
@kausmickey Korea, virtually no immig, yet economy went from $100/yr. per cap in 1963 to $30,000/yr now, Japan sim.
@kausmickey Mickey would you mind citing a source? preferably an academic one.