34 Of course @realDonaldTrump can win the general, Part 2. Because of huge Dem crossover potential wpo.st/b8K21 Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump has tapped the #ReaganCoalition the #GOPe losers have discarded. @realDonaldTrump building #YUGE #WIN
@kausmickey Trump supports social security, lower taxes& insurance, guns& background checks, China trade& VA reforms, medical weed, vaccines
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump . Keep smokin that shit dude!
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Many I mean MANY of my Democratic friends in LA support Trump.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump and the black vote and the moderates. He is going to win.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/w9yKXMfSXG
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/tVcOjM95HJ
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump I think for that reason he is only one who can. I would never vote for a bible thumper
@TINAHILLSTROM1 @kausmickey @realDonaldTrump TRUMP 2016
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump I’ve been saying that from the get-go.
@gettimothy @kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Only difference is Trump’s coalition is bigger than Reagan. Includes far more college educated.