Was there ever any passion *for* amnesty/mass immig among conservative voters? All a biz/$ push. Now unmasked bv.ms/1kSfUe2
Was there ever any passion *for* amnesty/mass immig among conservative voters? All a biz/$ push. Now unmasked bv.ms/1kSfUe2
@kausmickey Never, as pundits like Sean Hannity quickly learned when they floated it right after the 2012 election.
@kausmickey https://t.co/KkRQg9aVpp
@kausmickey I wonder though, is this illegals 4 biz thing as real as they say? Maybe GOP bought “natural” conservatives lie about illegals?
@kausmickey @BV only by the white shoe GOP elites and the traitorious Chamber of Commerce.
@kausmickey @BV There were other reasons:shore up SocSec, humanitarian impulse, hope that they’d be conservative.
@kausmickey I don’t even think liberals are passionate about immigration. Seems like a stealth policy snuck under door by 12 billionaires.
@Non_PC_Guy @Gays4TheD @kausmickey yes. (((Billionaires)))