It was v-effective but it was a conventional victim’s umbrage moment. Not what we want to encourage more of. twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
It was v-effective but it was a conventional victim’s umbrage moment. Not what we want to encourage more of. twitter.com/RichLowry/stat…
@kausmickey @RichLowry Donald Trump pushing political correctness negates his own existence.
@kausmickey +1. we don’t need more righteous indignation even re: greatest place on earth. the best part was the first sentence (buckley).
@kausmickey @RichLowry People (especially elites who live/work in NYC) r confusing 9/11 nostalgia for actually disagreeing w/ Cruz’s point.
@kausmickey Well, since it relies on having the bloodiest day on US soil since the Civil War, yeah.
@kausmickey can someone tell me why I am following you again?
@kausmickey @RichLowry You play the best chess move you have. In that case, it was the right one.
.@kausmickey @RichLowry CarlosDanger? How long to rebuild TwinTowers? Didn’t DeBlasio? Ooops! @realDonaldTrump @tedcruz #NewYorkValues
@kausmickey I’d disagree bc he emphasized the coming together and rebuilding rather than just victimhood.