RNC goes full Arafat: Arguably Diaz-Balart’s Spanish version, not Haley’s, gives the real RNC position on amnesty thkpr.gs/3738927
RNC goes full Arafat: Arguably Diaz-Balart’s Spanish version, not Haley’s, gives the real RNC position on amnesty thkpr.gs/3738927
@kausmickey Bro. You were on it. You burnt out. What happened?
@kausmickey That is straight up awful. We’re too tolerant of pols lying. When they’re this brazen it’s a major issue. No consequences = more
@kausmickey ThinkProgress? Really?
Mickey Kaus:”RNC goes full Arafat: Arguably Diaz-Balart’s Spani… “https://t.co/WBuHVhOVM1