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@kausmickey Seven years after the worst economic collapse in nearly a century, that’s not a bad record for the Prez…..
@kausmickey @mtaibbi Is that technically a straw man argument, even?
@kausmickey Why bother with the Rape Party jockies? Right @mtaibbi
Low skill legal immigration’s same poison with more labeling and a co-pay.
@kausmickey @mtaibbi
@kausmickey @blackrepublican @mtaibbi as usual, another insane comment from a drug addled brain. Idiot
@kausmickey @mtaibbi There’s the NSA’s barely supervised collection of insider trading info and blackmail material…
@kausmickey @mtaibbi not really a good situation for democrats by my reckoning
@i_aver @kausmickey @mtaibbi as was true for us, I expect most low skilled immigrants seek enough work to support and advance the family
@i_aver @kausmickey @mtaibbi thats why they came, not to settle in poverty
Were it so, @lorenzo3588. Truth’s most use welfare to support family.
@kausmickey @mtaibbi https://t.co/LlUaPF0KHG
What @lorenzo3588 says seems true for some regions. Welfare varies greatly by place of origin. @kausmickey @mtaibbi https://t.co/PjyEKQdbAG
There’s those that’d quibble with CIS’s stats (eg @AlexNowrasteh) but gist stands that low skill costs plenty.
@lorenzo3588 @kausmickey
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey where these numbers come from is certainly an issue…
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey and health and nutritional assistance have society wide benefits, some could well be short term in nature
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey these categories and amounts are so general in nature and so many of these issues are individual
@AlexNowrasteh’s bid to rebut didn’t wow. It’s plain low skill’s fiscal drag. Why import a cost? No answer save PC.
@kausmickey @lorenzo3588
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey because long term growth potential is tremendous for our nation
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey immigration is a tremendous source of immediate and future needed skills and talent
@i_aver @AlexNowrasteh @kausmickey and immigrants generally have a craving thirst to advance themselves and their children
@kausmickey @mtaibbi Like saying the only issue on the Titanic was a water leak.