“We don’t let bank robbers off if they return the money the week before their trial.” #tcot No Amnesty for Rubio kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
“We don’t let bank robbers off if they return the money the week before their trial.” #tcot No Amnesty for Rubio kausfiles.com/2016/01/17/no-…
@kausmickey You make good pts. However the trouncing of Cantor led to Ryan etc. The Vets have been dying of ill care across administrations.
@kausmickey worry about your candidate. She is going to keep that border wide open and grant citizenship to all illegals here
@kausmickey “If he‘s not punished,” yet link has Chuck Todd worrying that Marco’s amnesty won’t be expansive enough. MTP v Kausfiles
@kausmickey haha, Rubio would let the robbers off with mere citizenship. Getting to stay in America is the loot.
@kausmickey Don’t consequences usually flow from what people understand about the issue and the candidate through the media?
@kausmickey It is fun watching the Republicans kill their own over a marginal issue. Why Mickey is in the middle of it is anybody’s guess.