.@NRO‘s critique of Trump on immig wld be more persuasive if ANY of the GOP alternatives was credible on the issue natl.re/DLXD1U
.@NRO‘s critique of Trump on immig wld be more persuasive if ANY of the GOP alternatives was credible on the issue natl.re/DLXD1U
@kausmickey @NRO exactly – so much of their code is out of touch – racking my brain for a statesman in the bunch.
@kausmickey did you know @BenHowe thinks you are an idiot?
@kausmickey rest of know you are awesome
@kausmickey @NRO This is really about them, not Trump. The NRO ponces have been so spectacularly wrong that a Trump win ends their careers.
@kausmickey @BNLieb @NRO Credibility https://t.co/WzwwW2mYJE
@kausmickey Trump has zero intention of deporting people. It is all grist for votes. @BNLieb @NRO
@kausmickey @NRO Trump has defined the immigration debate. That’s called leadership people
@kausmickey @NRO NRO’s postion now appears 2B Trump’s only saying things Republicans have always said on immigration. Like who? When? Where?