Weak. Trump said somethng nice abt @NRO (presumably 2 help them raise $) & what does he get for it, I ask you? twitter.com/johnfund/statu…
Weak. Trump said somethng nice abt @NRO (presumably 2 help them raise $) & what does he get for it, I ask you? twitter.com/johnfund/statu…
@kausmickey @NRO Mickey, you’re missing the context of that tweet. You’ve got to look at the ones immediate before it.
@kausmickey Dude.
@kausmickey @NRO Conrad Black praised Trump, he writes for them
@kausmickey @NRO — NOT weak. Trump is not a man of his word.
@kausmickey @NRO That was about the time Trump was PMSing because Jonah Goldberg called him out for “tweeting like a teenaged girl.”
@kausmickey @NRO also…hands DNC big ad material! Good job, NRO! Hillary will crush you last for this favor.
@kausmickey @johnfund Have you noticed Trump’s positions are solely determined by whether you criticize, praise or threaten HIM? #narcissist
@kausmickey @NRO They were dishonest about it–took it out of context
@kausmickey @johnfund Trump has flipflopped on Fox several times. That’s how he expresses his reaction to their current treatment of him
@RandyEBarnett @johnfund @kausmickey Sorry Randy but we don’t see it that way. How smart can you be and not get it? Maybe not very.
@maxxoutrage @johnfund @kausmickey Because you “don’t see it that way” is not an argument. You have the right candidate tho.
@kausmickey @NRO Trump speaks nice about people generally, until they act like dicks. National Review is a large collection of small dicks.
It’s a lie actually. Trump was taunting Jonah in that tweet “praising” NR.
@kausmickey @NRO @johnfund https://t.co/VC6rwZEK6F
@RandyEBarnett @maxxoutrage @johnfund @kausmickey The effete pundit class revolt in the forum just before the hordes slaughter them.
@Cernovich @Ricky_Vaughn99 @kausmickey @NRO @johnfund @KatiePavlich was spreading this lie yesterday too. They are on suicide watch.
@Cernovich @SexiestPatriot @kausmickey @NRO @johnfund fuck those people. Glenn Beck said he wanted Hillary anyway. Hypocrite
@kausmickey @NRO @TrumpCommunity Trump has been hit by all sides but he is still standing. Cruz is a changeling and Rubio wants Amnesty?
@Cernovich @DoubleD2k15 @kausmickey @NRO @johnfund flipped the script
@RandyEBarnett @johnfund @kausmickey LIAR LIAR LIAR https://t.co/qrbdnnLuxT
@RandyEBarnett @johnfund @kausmickey CHUCK GRASSLEY ENDORSES TRUMP. HAHAHAHA
.@kausmickey @NRO WEAK
Hitler was kind to dogs. What did he get for it?
Stalin increased production. What did he get for it?