Is @NRO “objectively pro-amnesty” as the Marxists would say? ProRyan, antiTrump, filled w/ Marcophants! Hard 2 deny! breitbart.com/big-government…
Is @NRO “objectively pro-amnesty” as the Marxists would say? ProRyan, antiTrump, filled w/ Marcophants! Hard 2 deny! breitbart.com/big-government…
@kausmickey i think NRO fears trump is damaging GOP even more with his reckless rhetoric on immigration and faux conservatism.
@kausmickey @NRO @BreitbartNews They are cheerleaders for a Senate that confirms Obama’s judges and a House that funds Obama’s programs.
@kausmickey @NRO I finally figured it out last night in Twitter fight w @vondrachek. Could not figure out hatred of trump and Rubio support
@kausmickey @NRO Your right Mickey. It’s amnesty. Sneaky bastards won’t come out and say it. Just like Gop. Bait and switch. Say no vote yes
@kausmickey @NRO It all makes sense now. The irrational behavior. Name calling. Making asses of themselves. Sure it’s personal. But bigger.
@kausmickey @NRO These r the guys pushing Rubio and Jeb to support it. 8 years later they missed market and r pissed at voter not following.
@kausmickey @NRO I’m willing to believe NR authors stand on their principles, but they HAVE unforgivably enabled cheap laborist agenda
@kausmickey @NRO Call every single essay writer and get a quote on there amnesty stance. And ask have u ever promoted to goo candidates.
@kausmickey @NRO demand a Mag cover in defense of amnesty. I all is so simple now. They r no different than Boehner lie to our face. Secrets
@kausmickey @NRO I ask @vondrachek 3 times about Rubio amnesty. 3 times said check out foreign policy speech. Would not admit it’s amnesty.
@kausmickey @NRO It’s like north dallas forty. Every time we call it a game they call business. When we call bus they call it a game.
@kausmickey @NRO One must be ideologically pure except amnesty. Now we know why Nro and Fox Worked together to amp up hit. Both Pro amnesty
@kausmickey @NRO Mickey can American people stop amnesty. This is scary. I thought Nro and the like we’re on our side. They r not. I’m slow.
@kausmickey @NRO We worked our asses off for Romney Ryan In Iowa last time. It makes me want to puke to see Ryan up there supporting amnesty
@kausmickey @NRO @NolteNC The same way Dems shamed evangelicals into boycotting Romney (lds). Nro using same tactic on us against trump.
@kausmickey @NRO Trumpbart or Birtherbart?
.@kausmickey .@NRO If you thought abortion made for single issue voters welcome to immigration.
@kausmickey @NRO The imposter Ryan is a clone of Boehner only dumber – His Path success and riches is paved on betrayal, treason & treachery
@lniggeling1 @kausmickey @NRO
This concerns me. How about you? #AgainstTrump
@vondrachek @kausmickey @NRO What concerns me is Paul Ryan. Who I c walked for supporting amnesty. Nothin else matters.
Mickey Kaus: Is @NRO “objectively pro-amnesty” as the Marxists… https://t.co/87n1CTtPYv