14 Next stop: Mt Rushmore! breitbart.com/big-government… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey There goes Beck, cranking up the creepy again.
@kausmickey XD Well, that was cringe-worthy. I wonder if Megyn Kelly will make fun of Glenn Beck like she did with Gov. Palin… hmmm…
@kausmickey After Mt. Rushmore: Next Stop: nearest mental health facility.
@kausmickey What a joke. Package me up a Teddy Bear for ISIS Glenn, would ya?
@kausmickey Glenn Beck tipped me that there might be gold near Mt. Rushmore on some land he owns….
@kausmickey lmao
@kausmickey @BreitbartNews Beck will secure Cruz the coveted screwball vote. Meanwhile Trump has the support of working Americans.