Would Cruz really replace the whole Washington GOP establishment with “own people”? Does he have that many people? nyti.ms/1RByDce
Would Cruz really replace the whole Washington GOP establishment with “own people”? Does he have that many people? nyti.ms/1RByDce
@kausmickey @nytimes I am sure he has one that some thoughts on the matter lol
@kausmickey That’s a good argument for Hillary. She already OWNS the bureaucracy that Obama weaponized. There is no turning back!
@kausmickey “You either didn’t know Ted Cruz, you hated him, or you were David Panton,” said..Cruz’s [frosh]roommate
@kausmickey Agree. He’d go to Federalist Society–but so would Bush or Rubio. And if he got nomination, GOPe would make amends.
Goldman Sachs to the rescue, @kausmickey! He’s got more Wall Street donations than any other R. He’s the CanChurian Conservative alternate.
@kausmickey Note, e.g., that his fellow SCOTUS clerks wouldn’t be quoted on record. They’re up for jobs in Cruz and any GOP admin.
@kausmickey Difference is policy: no admin support for Import-Export Bank & other cronyism. So more true believers, fewer former lobbyists.
A. Don’t know
B. President Cruz would have no trouble finding that many people.
@kausmickey But everyone (save Carson) is picking from same universe. Trump much more likely to go off reservation with picks.
@kausmickey The Freedom Caucus ! His peeps. Come on Louie would be great, no ?
@kausmickey This sells Cruz as Trump but stronger. He’s not trying to revenge some nasty developer.
@kausmickey Probably Farris and Dan Wilks & Goldman Sachs owned people. But a Cruz victory will never materialize.
@kausmickey @nytimes Maybe the GOP Establishment should be radically smaller, living its principles?
@kausmickey What would happen to all those sorry, trifling pointy headed bureaucrats who can’t paddle their kayaks straight?
@kausmickey – Also, what if Trump gets the nomination and is then crushed in the General? Isn’t Cruz “The Guy” in 2020 anyway?
@kausmickey We will establish a “pattern” of rejecting our own Constitution if next Admin once again ignores qualifier of Nat/Born Citizen
@kausmickey A rejection of our own Constitution is in practice.. ABOLISHMENT. With our Republic gone, new NAU crew comes in. No more USA
@kausmickey I sure hope so
@kausmickey Fear Cruz! … NO TRUMP = NO MORE U.S.A.
@kausmickey I’d be worried if #Cruz did have that many people.Reagan-solution: attract (& sift) NEW people from outside & lower levels of DC
@kausmickey @Bill_Huff @nytimes the real argument is whether we want a new convert to “neo – conservativism” or a true Constitutionalist Con
@kausmickey My theory is Cruz is promoting stories about Establishment going to Trump and hating him.
@kausmickey LOL!