You’d think C Wallace wld ask Rubio abt Gangof8 when discussing his “biggest legis. accomplishment.” You’d be wrong foxnews.com/transcript/201…
You’d think C Wallace wld ask Rubio abt Gangof8 when discussing his “biggest legis. accomplishment.” You’d be wrong foxnews.com/transcript/201…
@kausmickey That’s the last thing I would expect of Chris Wallace. He’s fake and corrupt. Just like the rest of Fox and WSJ
@kausmickey he wont. Fox ignores rubio record on amnesty&refusal2vote no on omnibus. Hes est #2. Fox still thks Jeb can win.
@kausmickey Unlike you, some get tired of asking that question over & over again. How many times do you need to hear him give same answer?
@kausmickey curious – who did you vote for in ’08 and ’12? And were you for or against his immigration position?