.@DouthatNYT‘s Stop-Trump plans seem way too conventional nyti.ms/1RFRmTY There is one way to stop Trump kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why…
.@DouthatNYT‘s Stop-Trump plans seem way too conventional nyti.ms/1RFRmTY There is one way to stop Trump kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why…
@kausmickey no, “people” like @DouthatNYT want an endless stream of foreign freeLabor carrying diseases like drug resistant TB, NF, Zika etc
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Perfect.
@kausmickey What would they have to say to convince you they’d given up?
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT So little of this is about Trump’s cult of personality. Most enthusiasts don’t even like him that much. It’s issues.
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Who would trust them? Like requiring elites to house the illegals – they’d agree, get what they want, then back out.
@kausmickey Hasn’t Cruz already taken that step?
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Who knew that the 1 way was to have Megyn Kelly frighten him?
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT CIR estab uses propaganda like certain ahem 20th Cent. dictators: We are 100% right. Opposition r morally defective
@kausmickey @DouthatNYT Trump should hold a town hall where only veterans and wounded warriors are allowed to ask questions, live or via uT’
@kausmickey @douthatnyt it’s too late to go anti amnesty, because nobody will believe rubio anyway.