Fox to Marco: ‘Is it as simple as Trump says on immig.?’… “Why is Gov. Bush wrong on Common Core?” Tough grilling! time.com/3988276/republ…
Fox to Marco: ‘Is it as simple as Trump says on immig.?’… “Why is Gov. Bush wrong on Common Core?” Tough grilling! time.com/3988276/republ…
RT @kausmickey: Fox to Marco: ‘Is it as simple as Trump says on immig.?’… “Why is Gov. Bush wrong on Common Core?” Tough grilling! https:…
@kausmickey can they get away withnthat without Trump there?
@kausmickey @Ricky_Vaughn99 they won’t have anything to say if trump dosent give them a subject to discuss
@kausmickey Maybe he hasn’t made disparaging remarks about women, no?