8 Wherein lies the greatness of @BenSasse? Empty Sasse hype makes empty Kemp hype seem profound natl.re/55VJxE Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @BenSasse He did manage to stir up #trumpstubbyfingers
@BenSasse likes to play on @NRO timelines. Little boys on the playground trashing Trump. Hiding behind mama.
@kausmickey Shorter Ben Sasse:”Sorry we’re not doing anything about anything, but here’s quotes from the Federalist Papers to tide you over”
@kausmickey More Ben Sasse: “Constitutionalist Republic blah blah blah, ordered liberty and limited government blah blah “–pretty much it
@kausmickey Oh, almost forgot more wars—Ben Sasse loves him some more neocon wars in middle east and Russia too! He’s a Cornhusker Rubio