Barone–AZ & TX still “safely Republican” despite immigrant growth. And after 30 million more? washingtonexaminer.com/gop-debate-sho…
Barone–AZ & TX still “safely Republican” despite immigrant growth. And after 30 million more? washingtonexaminer.com/gop-debate-sho…
@kausmickey Eventually, the GOP is finished as a national party, which I guess is the goal. Bad times ahead.
@kausmickey we also have voter ID laws in Texas… not to mention the oil industry work that’s been taken over by illegal immigrants.
@kausmickey yeah because white voters in both stares are much more conservative than other states
The linky is hinky…Mickey-:) @kausmickey
@kausmickey @Glaivester That is the Democrats plan, look at Crazyfornia…
@kausmickey this is incorrect – sadly Texas is now ‘republican leaning’
@kausmickey https://t.co/7FgWziHolQ
@kausmickey Texas 2012: 39% of Hispanics voted & vast majority voted 4 Obama. Small % of Texas Latinos registered 2 vote VS very GOP Anglo.
@FreedomDefined1 @kausmickey N Texas small % of Hispanics R registered 2 vote VS a VERY Anglo GOP. Overwhelmingly Texas Latinos voted Obama.
@kausmickey End Game:% who vote Obama (2012)=Southern Whts 29%=Whts overall 39%=Latinos 71%=Asians 73%=Muslims 85.7%=X Felons 86%=Blacks 93%
@kausmickey Arizona won’t be Republican in 10 years. The schools are majority Hispanic.
@scottleland9 @kausmickey @Glaivester https://t.co/cprvWQxPk2
@kausmickey https://t.co/3hcIJhnBFw
@kausmickey @UnforgivableM Texas is always touted as the next blue state, but whatever they need to tell themselves.
@kausmickey @UnforgivableM Only thing I can figure why Abbott did better than Perry ever did was because he’s a lot smarter than Perry.
@Iloveperfumeso @kausmickey makes me sad 2 c Tx just leaning red we used to b solid republican.if GOP screws trump over riot #FeelTheBern
@kausmickey page not found
@Iloveperfumeso @kausmickey
Damn you Atlanta! (Macon & Savannah, too.) Graying up my once red, then pink, state!
@TyrsDisciple @kausmickey @UnforgivableM
Dens relo to Texas, taking over what they can. Jobs rnt the only reason.agressive and hate repubs