If Ryan/McConnell/RNC/CofC all pledged no legalization (not Sessions-OKd) in 1st term wld take wind outta Trump no? kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why…
If Ryan/McConnell/RNC/CofC all pledged no legalization (not Sessions-OKd) in 1st term wld take wind outta Trump no? kausfiles.com/2015/11/30/why…
@kausmickey How does Scalia’s death affect prospects for amnesty?
.@kausmickey At this point. I doubt it. This has gone too far down the road. If he wins SC its over anyway.
@kausmickey That’s what @AnnCoulter said: steal his issue!
@kausmickey Ryan/McConnell/RNC/CofC can never be trusted to hold to ANY pledge they make about ANYTHING. Right, @HowieCarrShow ?
@kausmickey Ryan pledged not to do that before next Pres- look at what he did in Omnibus bill-Betrayl. How many Xs kick at football Charlie?
@kausmickey no, since their pledges mean sh*t (see 2014 election).
@kausmickey No reason to believe them
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian NO. We don’t trust them. Don’t you get it yet?
@kausmickey not gong to happen plan is NAU, flooding cntry @cheap labor, killing middle class the plan. REad up on UN agenda 30.