Here’s @ABC NH debate video youtube.com/watch?v=E_oYqH… In closings they cut 2 Rubio’s family-twice, cued 2 his pitch. Don’t show anyone else’s
Here’s @ABC NH debate video youtube.com/watch?v=E_oYqH… In closings they cut 2 Rubio’s family-twice, cued 2 his pitch. Don’t show anyone else’s
RT @kausmickey: Here’s @ABC NH debate video https://t.co/jQe6H9dr0e In closings they cut 2 Rubio’s family-twice, cued 2 his pitch. Don’t sh…
@kausmickey @ABC @Pastormarkburns @Trumptrain8 Pretty weird, huh?
@kausmickey @ABC @YouTube I remember that & thought it was odd.
@kausmickey @ABC and yet no questions on climate change…how about you Mickey, do you share Trump’s science denialism? #mickeyinreality
@kausmickey @ABC All of the MSM & the RNC is corrupt for all Voters to clearly see!!!!
@kausmickey @ABC I noticed that when it happened and thought it very odd. The RNC needs to back off and let the PEOPLE pick our candidate.
@kausmickey @ABC Rubio was the only one who had a graphic with his immigration positions on screen WHILE he answered an immigration question
@kausmickey @ABC Trump’s family in front row and were shown many times.
@kausmickey @ABC @YouTube They know exactly what they are doing.