Why do I feel debate tonight is moment of peril 4 @realDonaldTrump? 1) Temptation 2 B nice guy 4 Telemundo 2) Media ready 4 change in story
Why do I feel debate tonight is moment of peril 4 @realDonaldTrump? 1) Temptation 2 B nice guy 4 Telemundo 2) Media ready 4 change in story
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Hopefully he will stand on his ground, brush off slanted questions & speak his positions clearly one at a time
@kausmickey Because in your heart of hearts you feel that the media’s choice, Rubio, will win in the end.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump You know how Democrats work.
@kausmickey @genophilia @realDonaldTrump because the debates are so secretive? might as well have all of them in a closet in NYC #CircusShow
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump they are going to come after Trump with both barrels he better be on his presidential A Game
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump If he’s smart, he’d fight back hard. He should have solid answers on Israel lobs from Cruz, Rubio.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump you believe that Mickey dickey because you are a rino like rubio.
@kausmickey is someone there from telemundo?
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump
Trump? Positions? Answers? Those are oxymorons.
Trump is a sloganeer and nothing more. He has no substance.
@kausmickey peril = huge audience =Trump playing to the gallery=Trumpmania = all oxygen consumed until Tuesday
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Would be more worried if other candidates had something to offer unhappy voters. It’s Cadillac vs. bicycle race
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump its obvious Trump walking into an ambush. But if Trump is ready, he’ll be fine. He’s handled worse.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump When pigs think you’ll empty their D.C. trough, they squeal & kick mud. Getting dirty
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump no it’s because sooner or later he needs to go to the issues. But the zombies don’t care anyway
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Because you know the establishment political system and the establishment media are out to get him?
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump how could he do worse than last debate?
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Just put blinders on, be Presidential. Focus on issues, hit back,but in control. Attack on their weak records
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump afraid truth will come out.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump Nope Trump too smart.
@kausmickey Because you are timid. Trump is not.
@kausmickey @realDonaldTrump he will win them over this man is charisma in a bottle!