If Romney promised no legalization of any kind (probationary/temp) in his 1st term & got his pal Ryan to sign off–then, hey, jump right in!
If Romney promised no legalization of any kind (probationary/temp) in his 1st term & got his pal Ryan to sign off–then, hey, jump right in!
@kausmickey Who would trust them to actually follow through on those promises? Not many — my best guess.
@kausmickey And he tripled border patrol, but for some damn reason could not completely fortify with a wall, what a start!
@kausmickey Only if @MittRomney swears on the Book of Mormon to build a massive motherfucking wall in his first year. Nothing less.
@kausmickey Zero trust in what either of those two say, zero chance of voting Romney. We’re voting Trump to kick out the corrupt old guard.
@kausmickey if he was smart he would of done that in ’12. Not an original thought in that jackasses head. Only @realDonaldTrump was man enuf
@kausmickey Nobody trusts them to do what they say anyway. Heard “how much worse can it be” from people unsure of Trump early on &voted4him
@kausmickey Wouldn’t trust those 2 with civil liberties. Eager to be enforcers for media Big Brother demanding you “denounce.” Pathetic