47 I didn’t think Trump Paranoia would come this soon. But here we are kausfiles.com/2016/03/04/har… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Wait for a clarification before you totally freak out please. He’s still very tough.
Personally I’d only allow 50k period in.
@kausmickey Sounds to me like they don’t fact check themselves and aren’t really behind him anyway..
@kausmickey Trump has said that building the wall was not negotiable, and he’s already shown great leadership and persuasion skills
@kausmickey i still think it was important that he immediately released the statement. It shows that his team cares and takes it seriously
@kausmickey I think this might be where Sessions comes in as rutter, of sorts, to keep Trump on point.
@kausmickey Organized demonstrations drove Trump out of CPAC. Just like lib’s drive conservatives out of college campuses. Saul Alinsky-CPAC
@kausmickey It seems clear to me he just doesn’t understand this issue or doesn’t have a coherent position on it
@kausmickey He has only himself to blame. I was willing to consider him because of this issue. Not anymore.
@kausmickey Trump seems more interested talking with his fingers than explaining his own issues.
@kausmickey Reality: immigration patriots are Richard Gere in Officer & A Gentleman. “We got no place else to go!” So must hold feet to fire
@kausmickey @AnnCoulter @ChrisChristie: hey guys somebody need to talk to trump to DEBATE PREP or it will be like waterboarding in gen. PLS
@kausmickey Trump was never perfect on immigration from the very start. Says legal immigration is ok. Whatevs. Still best choice.
@kausmickey We’re all haunted by memories of “anti-immigration Rubio” and others like him. Rule of thumb: If Jeff Sessions is ok, I’m ok.
@kausmickey Trump can only say so much in current climate. I don’t think he’s a “free trader” & I don’t think he likes legal immigration.
@kausmickey For that matter I don’t think he buys “special relationship” with Israel or other neocon stuff. #DogWhistles #FingersCrossed
@kausmickey I just keep thinking about your phrase from early 2015: “MARKER LANGUAGE”.
@kausmickey It’s ALMOST like he can’t be trusted.
@kausmickey You’re a Jew but you believe in NOT destroying America with massive foreign immigration? Hats off to you Mr. Kaus.
@kausmickey good article. I have same thoughts, same conclusion. plus, add that Trump likes fairness, hates people losing who deserve to win
@kausmickey Don’t be paranoid! He will win!
@kausmickey i feel sorry for @anncoulter
@kausmickey This is Trump’s hang up about “great schools.” He thinks his kids got into great schools on their own merit. Its a foible of his
@kausmickey 2 issues: 1)penny pinching abuse of H-1B visas to replace US workers 2)nat-sec based need to retain brilliant US-educated minds
Wall+#DeportationForce is the 50 yard line.
End to H1Bs is the 30.
Repeal Hart-Cellar is the 20.
Instant Boer asylum = touchdown
@kausmickey So, the question becomes is DJT lying to us or is he lying to his would-be business donors who want unlimited H1B visas?
@kausmickey relax, low skilled guest worker prg can work, as long as you get rid of jus soli 1st, like HK and singapore @markskrikorian
@kausmickey Trump is just a bad debater in the classic sense, and these debates are firing squads anyway. Treat them like WWE cage matches.
@kausmickey He also probably doesn’t totally get the H1B problem because he doesn’t encounter it. He builds buildings, not software.
@kausmickey So the Sessions appointment is pure gold. He gets it, and Trump lets the people he trusts do their thing. Vote for Sessions!
@kausmickey The Collective Con Men are trying to Con Americans into believing that DJT is a “con man.” Con you believe it?
@kausmickey I have had these doubts myself. If he abandons his touch immigration plan, we will alienate his base supporters.