21 If a Rubio dropout helps Kasich beat Trump in Ohio, does that *help* Cruz? Doesn’t Cruz want Kasich gone? natl.re/tkwKGj Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Lane is clear. It’s Cruz or Trump for the I’m not drinking bleach lane. Kasich is gonna run out of money like yesterday
@kausmickey GOOD QUESTION!!
@kausmickey establishment won’t need K after OH, he’s there to hold Trump back. Keeping in the losers to dilute the vote.
Kasich will still be gone, but if he keeps Trump from OH delegates, it helps Cruz, @kausmickey. All the rest on one team against Trump
@kausmickey 3 horse race. Crazy Orange candidate. Crazy Christian strict Constitutionalist candidate and a Competent candidate, #Kasich.
@kausmickey he needs to offer Kasich OMB to drop out. Rubio has nothing left to trade.Carly should be VP. If Rubio loses FL, he’s done4ever.
@kausmickey they want each other gone. Kasich believes, maybe wrongly, he can win in north where Cruz is deficient.
@kausmickey Rubio needs to drop out and endorse Cruz, to preserve political viability, look noble, and avoid an embarrassing loss. #tcot
@kausmickey real question is if kasich wins Ohio what’s his end game? Trump will then continue to rack up delegates
@kausmickey It denies Trump 66 delegates, but not much momentum if Trump and Kasich are the only winners next Tuesday.
@kausmickey I love this love/hate triangle.
@kausmickey You’re almost all crazy… We need a balanced ticket like #CruzKasich. If you don’t understand why, I pinned a tweet about it.
@kausmickey Estab. immediate goal’s to keep DT frm taking OH It helps w/ brokered conv., which Cruz doesn’t want cuz they wont pick him
@kausmickey https://t.co/FEpLq3hg95 MILLER ROCKS. SAYS IT ALL HERE!
@kausmickey why doesnt kasich and rubio both drop out and endorse cruz?
@kausmickey No but it helps the Establishment in Cleveland.
@kausmickey Helps Cruz more for Illinois and Missouri, which have 121 delegates between them. And both are WTA over 50%.
I think my head is going to explode…