19 Jennifer Rubin: Is this Marco Rubio’s time? “Rubio might be the odds-on favorite” ledger-enquirer.com/opinion/opn-co… Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey @JRubinBlogger Gonna have a cow when she finds out about trump penetration in Dearborn. Will blow her compartmentalized mind.
@kausmickey Ever made a mistake?
@kausmickey Must be filing her column from Colorado
@kausmickey Oh I love this stuff keep it coming. I not sure who has behaved worse, Trump or Rubin – she’s an awful, hateful woman imho.
@kausmickey @LedgerEnquirer Rubin looks like Howard Stern
@kausmickey @LedgerEnquirer It’s not about making mistakes. It’s the quantity.
@kausmickey @LedgerEnquirer the “cagey bicycle racer,” encountered a mighty headwind, named Chris Christie.
@kausmickey Rubio tried to be everything to everyone and ended up being nothing to no one.
@kausmickey Good thing she’s not at an investment firm!
@kausmickey l love the first line – “Donald Trump has plateaued in the GOP primary race…” precious.
@kausmickey https://t.co/tEKfeS2Tth
@kausmickey @LedgerEnquirer The “to be sure” part was prescient at least. A Jebless race might have given him a chance.
@kausmickey go review her posts since campaign. She has gotten wrong all the time.
@kausmickey Must be a Raiders fan. I know how it is.
@kausmickey trading delegate math for delusion