29 This debate could use a good dick joke right about now. #justsaying Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Nooooooooooo
@kausmickey Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio walk into a foam party…
@kausmickey https://t.co/ht4Uxcmicv
@kausmickey or pussy joke
@kausmickey https://t.co/mpdC8o5PBW
@kausmickey there’s one on either side of Trump
@kausmickey Hey they wanted serious. Hooray.
@kausmickey Tuned in late. Have they brought up transgender reproduction yet? #BanMalePregnancy
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian – Maybe Trump will drop one on one of these turds
@kausmickey gee our old la salle ran great
@kausmickey @MarkSKrikorian just goes to show you how the moderators can control the civility of exchanges