Charlie Black-the DC lobbyist who talked about Establishment’s ability to “coach Donald”-has signed with Kasich bloomberg.com/politics/track…
Charlie Black-the DC lobbyist who talked about Establishment’s ability to “coach Donald”-has signed with Kasich bloomberg.com/politics/track…
@kausmickey Another fantasy gone bad.
@kausmickey This is fantastic. Kasich staying in the race is the best scenario for Trump.
@kausmickey Well there’s your establishment GOP strategy. Open convention. Ram Kasich down people’s throats.
@kausmickey They may want to kick it up a notch or two if he has a money back guarantee for effectiveness, just saying.
@kausmickey Good grief! They want Trump 2 win. GOPe can’t get over fact that @tedcruz called them out 4 their betrayal of GOP base. Clueless
@kausmickey I wish it would be Karl Rove, he looks unhealthy. They install speed bumps when gets close to a buffet now.
@kausmickey Must be smelling some of that Soros money laying around the Kasich campaign office.
I don’t know. Kasich provides a safety valve for people wbo are more NeverCruz than NeverTrump.