44 .@DLoesch on Rubio: “Gang of 8 was his poison pill.” Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey Although most voters want path to citizenship or don’t care at all. Immigration is a nothing issue to voters.
@kausmickey @DLoesch I’d say because he is a true, greasy politician.
@kausmickey @DLoesch economy, jobs, and illegal immigration are all tied together. Brit hume is clueless
@kausmickey @DLoesch was it the immigration bill itself or the people he collaborated with. I think the latter.
@kausmickey @DLoesch And Cruz’s too. The media has played it down, but many voters remember Cruz selling out.
@kausmickey @DLoesch As an Asian, I know what the GOP is all about . A white party full of bigots who resent successful immigrants like us.
@kausmickey @DLoesch took these analysts until Rubio dropped out to mention hangof8. Really pathetic.
@kausmickey @DLoesch 1) I hear old white people bitching that we are taking their jobs. We came here in 1977 with $800. That’s it.
@kausmickey @DLoesch Rubio’s poison pill was inability to diagnose the sources of anger within the @GOP electorate after 2012 #SuperTuesday
@kausmickey @DLoesch The establishment still don’t get it: https://t.co/B13xTIWu7K