20 So if Trump wins, he’ll be under pressure to name his SCOTUS pick in Nov. so GOP Senate can decide if Garland is better? Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related
@kausmickey wouldn’t it be nice is Trump took on Kasich as VP and named Cruz for the SC? I think we’d take 49 States in that scenario.
@kausmickey everyone seems to forget he floated Sykes and Pryor immediately after Scalia passed.
@kausmickey highly unlikely scenario, but if happens will spare us his sister or a divorce lawyer on Sup act
@kausmickey Trump should offer SCOTUS to Cruz if deal is necessary. I wouldn’t want that snake as my VP if I wanted to live.
@kausmickey Good.
@kausmickey if he wins, how can he not pick ted cruz to replace scalia? his colleagues in the senate would love this.
@kausmickey ha HA!!
@johnmarzan @kausmickey I was worried he would pick evangelical or woman w kids
@kausmickey And if Hillary wins, the opposite?
@johnmarzan @kausmickey I know 99 senators that would vote for anything that would get rid of Ted Cruz. Next bill: move S Ct to Juneau.
@kausmickey He should work with Cruz, offer him SCOTUS. Why does Cruz want to be POTUS anyway, he’s a lawyer, not an effective politician!