Trumpism (per Douthat) may not “add up to a new Republican synthesis”-but it cld add up 2 a new 3rd Wayish synthesis dailycaller.com/2014/10/09/moe…
Trumpism (per Douthat) may not “add up to a new Republican synthesis”-but it cld add up 2 a new 3rd Wayish synthesis dailycaller.com/2014/10/09/moe…
@kausmickey It is a miracle that Douthat still gets paid to pull things out of his ass. What happened to accountability?
@kausmickey I don’t think that’s what “3rd Way” means.
@kausmickey or it could be that the Democrats have gamed the primary process to pick their opponent.
@kausmickey Like maybe ordinary white people get one political party that doesn’t rush to revile them every chance they get.