“The Koch Brothers manipulation of our politicial process”–just denounced by Hillary–has not been so manipulative this cycle
“The Koch Brothers manipulation of our politicial process”–just denounced by Hillary–has not been so manipulative this cycle
@kausmickey Citizens United ensures Jeb’s Victory!…..Oh, wait….
@kausmickey I tried to manipulate the system by donating to your Sisyphean Senate campaign. They learned with $Ms what I learned with $20.
@kausmickey – Who are the Koch Bros going to buy this year? We know Kasich and Rubio are owned by Soros.
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen sure it has. it has deformed republican politics. that may not be what she meant, but it is absolutely true.
@kausmickey @continetti Gosh, isn’t it surprising that she denounces the Koch brothers but overlooks Soros?
@kausmickey @Eva4organizing seriously? W/ Karl Rove messing in Dem primaries by running ads against Hillary nonstop?
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen lol , Pundits Think there is going to be vote for just one office in November
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen except for the complete domination of their policy preferences outside Trump?
@kausmickey Yes, it has. A mediocrity like BS would be gone now if not for GOP $.
@kausmickey @BuzzFeedBen Yes, but the successful result of Koch Bros & dark $$ of HRC 22-yr character assassination is evident in polling.